
Crocus is a genus of about 90 species of perennials in the Iridaceae family, native to Asia, North Africa, Mediterranean Europe and Alps.
Majority of species are abundant in the wild, from rocky mountains and alpine meadows to woodlands and scrublands. The flowers are cup-shaped and mainly composed of six petals. They come in a variety of colors and are often the first to bloom in late winter or early spring. The true arrival of spring is frequently marked by the bright colors of the Crocus.

Name meaning

The genus name is derived from “krokos”, an ancient Greek name for saffron (Crocus sativus).

Crocus symbolism

Crocus symbolizes youth, rebirth, cheerfulness, pleasure, gladness and joy.

You may also want to check out our article about the meaning and symbolism of Crocus flower.

Interesting facts about Crocus

Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus)

Crocus sativus, commonly called Saffron Crocus, is a perennial herb that blooms in autumn. It is native to Greece and Southwest Asia. The plant is cultivated for the production of the spice saffron, especially in Iran, and it is known to have numerous medicinal properties.
It is a famous medicinal herb with a long history of effective use. Saffron acts as an antioxidant, sedative, an immune system booster and is also known as an anti-carcinogenic.
The plant is the source of the spice saffron, which is made from dried stigmas of the plant. Saffron is one of the world’s most expensive spices widely used in the cuisine of many European and Asian countries.

Crocus sativus is also used in cosmetics and in perfumes.

Prehistoric Crocus

Saffron-based pigments adorned the Prehistoric caves. 50000 year old depictions of prehistoric beasts have been found in todays Iraq (north-west of Persian Empire).

Crocus Plant Data