Galanthus (Snowdrops)

Galanthus, commonly known as Snowdrop, is a genus of about 20 species of bulbous plants in the family Amaryllidaceae, native to Europe and the Middle East.
These early spring emblems are one of the first bulbs to bloom in spring. Snowdrops are famous for their white, bell-shaped flowers which hang down loosely, giving the impression of modesty.

Name meaning

The genus name comes from the Greek words “gala” (“milk”) and “anthos” (“flower”), in reference to its color.

The common name “Snowdrops” comes from its white, teardrop-shaped flowers which often appear while the snow is on the ground.

Galanthus symbolism

Snowdrops are a symbol of modesty, hope, innocence, purity, rebirth and fertility.

Here you can learn more about the folklore and symbolism of Snowdrops.

Interesting facts about Galanthus

The Legend of the Snowdrop

According to legend, when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden into a land of winter where no flowers blossomed and no birds sang, the angel took a handful of snowflakes and blew them. When snowflakes hit the ground, they sprang up into amazing white flowers – Snowdrops.

Are Snowdrops Thermogenic?

The thermogenic plants are plants that produce their own heat in order to elevate temperature of surrounding air, which helps them to increase the rates of pollination and maintain stable tissue temperatures. This process is known as thermogenesis.
Various sources say that Snowdrops are thermogenic, but there are no scientific studies to confirm this.

Benefits and Uses

Some scientific researches suggest that Snowdrops might be useful in treating certain neurological issues.

Galanthus Plant Data