
Mimosa is a large genus of about 400 species in the family Fabaceae, native to tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world. Most of the species are herbs and undershrubs, but some are woody climbers or even trees.
Mimosas have round clusters of numerous flowers held on a single head. Each flower has long stamens forming a fluffy spherical head. Their beautiful leaves and clusters of fragrant flowers make them popular ornamentals.

Name meaning

The genus name is derived from the Greek word “mimos”, which means “mimic”, and refers to the sensitivity and movement of the leaves which seem to mimic conscious life.

Mimosa symbolism

Mimosa symbolizes tenderness, sensibility and sensitivity.

It also means to literally expand your life.

Interesting facts about Mimosa

The True Identity of Mimosa

The name Mimosa has also been used for species that are currently classified under the genera Albizia and Acacia.
Mimosas are often confused with Acacias. Many species of the related genus Acacia are commonly, but inaccurately called Mimosas.

Mimosa pudica and Mimosa tenuiflora

The most popular species are Mimosa pudica and Mimosa tenuiflora.

  • Mimosa pudica is delicate and sensitive plant native to South America, but widespread in tropical, subtropical and temperate areas all over the world. It is a spiny annual or short-lived evergreen perennial, with divided leaves that are sensitive to touch. The flowers bloom in summer and are pollinated by the wind and insects.
    The species has a long history of use in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India. It has been used to treat parasitic diseases, depression and diarrhea.
    Mimosa pudica is widely cultivated around the world under a wide range of ecologies and climates.
  • Mimosa tenuiflora, also known as Jurema preta, is a spiny, deciduous tree, native to southeastern regions of Mexico to northern Brazil and Venezuela.
    The species is famous due to its uses as a medicinal plant and in the restoration of degraded soils. It is used in the treatment of burns, ulcers and skin defects. The plant is also used to make a hallucinogenic beverage.

Benefits and Uses

Many species have medicinal properties.
The plant has been used to treat various conditions including skin ulcers, burns, wounds, bruises, abscesses, boils, hemorrhoids and fractures.

Other species are grown as ornamentals for the beauty of their foliage.

Mimosa Plant Data